Tuesday 1 October 2013

DARK DAYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

Days when you feel so down and you feel like the world is all against you?
I believe everyone has had those days and we shall all agree those days suck! I have them and am normally affected when someone really dear to me hurts me a lot. In this case it's someone who is not very dear to me but yes this person is actually dear to me. MY BOSS.

He hates it when i call him that "my boss" i don't know the exact reason why but i know the reason he says that is because he doesn't really feel like my boss but hey wait.........How do u call someone who assigns you a duty and then later pays you? Your boss and that's all the respect i had or rather have for this person. I like him as a person especially for his sense of humor but i don't know what i do that he hates so much. If any of my friends heard him say i am anti social then they would not understand cause am one social person unless otherwise.
Anyway i feel so confused but one thing am sure of is i have done nothing wrong and i believe i have been a good employee and for no reason will one bring me down and am a very social girl.
Well my day was just that............ very gloomy but i thank God for the kind of friends i got. They are a blessing they always manage to put a smile on this face of mine am so blessed.
My day began when i was feeling down but am grateful it ended with a smile.
All i wanted today was to vent.


  1. Your blog makes an interesting and exciting read.....tried to skim but found myself reading word for word....I could read each of the articles over and over like a favorite book! keep ot up and spread it

  2. Hahahahahaha Thanks alot for the compliment.
