Monday 3 February 2014


Tears don’t necessarily convey sadness
An intelligent person will open your mind, a beautiful person will open your eyes and a loving kind person will open your heart. Tears at times can be special than smiles depending on the occasion at which you are shading them, We tend to assume that tears only convey sadness that’s not true! I shade tears of happiness when something too good happens to me, something unexpected. We all know that people cry when they are unhappy, it takes a very emotional person to cry for happiness.  These tears are so warm and beautiful.

The saddest moment is when you say bye to someone who helped you stand on your feet after falling when everyone else pushed you to the ground when your knees trembled; these tears are too much they never end, nothing can make you forget someone very dear to you, someone who lifted you up emotionally, someone who looks at you and tell you, “you will be up there”.  These tears change from tears of sadness to tears of happiness when we shade then look up there and smile with a thought of they are watching us from above and they will always watch over us. We know they are better of where they are because of the things we sometimes go through.
The endless smiles we get when we finally achieve that goal we have been struggling to achieve, through hardship and using our achievements to better yourself when actually the person who made you go through hell was helping you better yourself. We should always learn through all kinds of experiences, never look at someone who sends and gives you harsh instructions as a bad person. This person is teaching you how the world works and if you know what you want to achieve at the end of the day, just be patient for the dark days will someday become brighter and it will be time for you to shine. Never treat someone badly because someone treated you badly revenge only breaks you because that’s not the kind of person you are. A kind person no matter how they have been mistreated will always be a happy and person.
A once broken heart is the strongest for a wise person for she uses it to evaluate what is of importance to her therefore not paying attention to what doesn’t build her. A once broken heart doesn’t easily make the same mistakes because we are all supposed to learn from our mistakes.

Sometimes, you got to stand alone and see if you can. We should learn to be independent. Let’s not depend on people otherwise that’s the reason we get disappointed and forget that the people disappointing us are also human.
First step to success is taken when you refuse to be captive of their environment in which you first find yourself because you should always use the bad beginning as a stepping stone to that place you long to be. Hope you get there in one spirit.