Sunday 12 May 2013

The strength of a woman

Women are strong, we face abuse from boyfriends, Husbands but we still hold on and we remain hope full for a better tomorrow. We don't do this because of the fear of losing it all in love but we do it for the strength and hope for a better tomorrow and a chance for someone to be a better person.
Women we hold on for our children to have a better future not missing the male figure in their lives, some women hold on for a better relationship and guidance from God.

What do you hold on for?
We get battered but we still fall i love hoping that the next relationship will be better. Some turn out better but some actually don't, but at the end of it all we still have the strength to move on and we stand tall and we face the world. Only the strong survive here, we have seen some hang themselves for not being able to carry the burden.

Some trip buy they remain confident to face tomorrow, that what we are, we shall always be women, we remain confident to carry on our daily duties. Our mothers much as some faced violence they still held on to give us a better future.
Now tell me why we have so many women dumping children in bins today, is it that our mothers are not teaching us enough morals? Should we blame it on technology? Or should we blame the government for sparing the rod and spoiling the child? Today's girl child is going astray... We need our morals back. We need our self centered children we need to discipline our children and mold them into trusted people, people we shall look up to in the future and say that's my daughter. A strong woman will always hold on to what she loves most, the love of a husband can reduce but the love of a child will never go away, no matter how old you get that little angel you carried 30years ago will forever be a baby to it's mother. The most priceless ornament is the one of your little child's hands around your neck.

I love my mother much as i don't show her how much.... I know i do because no one and nothing can replace her. Happy mothers day to all mothers out there.


  1. I tink its the change of generations the reason as to y children r being dump by there momz even the food the babies r being fade i.e animal milk, also it has contributed to this growing act of child dump by momz. that animalish way of living in humans.

  2. I love the blog and the posts are rich in content..keep on writing

  3. i reilli like this keep it up

  4. Here to serve you Gilbert.
